Difference Between Qualitative and Quantitative research – Guide 2021


Research is considered a significant tool used to brush up and increase the stock of knowledge. This knowledge can be about someone and something. Qualitative research and quantitative research are considered as the two methods of research. Different fields such as sociology, marketing, business, technology, science, economics, psychology, etc. used both these kinds of research. Qualitative research utilizes different verbal narratives like verbal or data which is written and quantitative research depends upon the logical observation or statistical facts in order to reach the conclusion. An essay writing service or researcher should have knowledge of both kinds of research before starting the writing process. Few representative cases are utilized in the qualitative research to develop the initial understanding of any process. While in the case of quantitative research to recommend a concluding course of action different representative cases are considered and observed.



Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is defined as an exploratory one. It can be utilized to get an understanding of different reasons, motivations, and opinions. It provides in-depth detail of the problem so that hypothesis can be generated. Different trends in opinions and thoughts can be uncovered by qualitative research. A researcher can dive deeper into the issue by the utilization of qualitative research. Semi-structured and unstructured techniques are the different methods that are used for the collection of data in qualitative research. In this type of research, the sample size is usually kept small. The respondents are selected in order to fulfill the criteria of the given quota.


Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is utilized for the quantification of the problem by the generation of numerical data. Cheap essay writing service uses such data which can be transformed into usable statistics. Different opinions, attitudes, behaviors, and other variables are quantified using quantitative research. A large sample of the population is utilized in it to generalize results. To uncover different patterns and for the formulation of facts, measurable data is used in quantitative research. In quantitative research, more structured methods are used as compared to qualitative research. Paper surveys, mobile surveys, online surveys, and kiosk surveys are all included in the quantitative research. Quantitative research is based on different sorts of systematic observations.


It becomes difficult for the students to carry out the research if they are not aware of its different types. Students can get the 'write my paper' service from college essay writing service to get a customized paper with a suitable research method. It is not difficult to develop a research paper if you are aware of the differences between both types of research. There is a huge debate on which method is better than the other; some differences in both methods are as follows:



Qualitative research is defined as a method of research that helps in developing the understanding related to human and social sciences. It also helps in finding the way people feel and think about different events.


Quantitative research is defined as a method of inquiry in which different numerical data and facts are generated. It includes the utilization of logical, mathematical, and statistical techniques.



Qualitative research has a holistic nature.

Quantitative research is particularistic in nature.



In qualitative research, a subjective approach is utilized.

Quantitative research utilized an objective approach.


Research Type

In qualitative inquiry, exploratory research is carried out while quantitative research includes conclusive research.



Both research methods are different in reasoning as well. Qualitative research depends on inductive reasoning while deductive reasoning gets utilized in quantitative research.



Purposive sampling is used in qualitative research and quantitative research uses random sampling.



Qualitative research includes verbal data.

Measurable data is included in quantitative research.



Inquiry is process-oriented in the qualitative method

In quantitative research, it is considered to be result-oriented.



In the qualitative method, the hypothesis is generated.

In the quantitative method, the hypothesis is tested.


Factors of Analysis

The factors of analysis of qualitative method include words, objects, and pictures.

Numerical data is the element of analysis of quantitative research.



The objective of qualitative research is to explore different ideas while utilizing the current processes.

The purpose of the quantitative method is the examination of the cause-and-effect factors between the different included variables.



Different methods are included in the qualitative method such as in-depth interviews, group discussions, and non-structured techniques.

The methods included in the quantitative research are surveys, structured techniques, observations, and questionnaires.



Qualitative research results in the development of initial understanding.

Quantitative research results in the recommendation of the final course of action.


When to Use

Qualitative research is used for the understanding of the different experiences, concepts, and thoughts.

Quantitative research is used for the confirmation or test of any hypothesis or theory.



Qualitative data is considered to be difficult to analyze as compared to quantitative data. There are some approaches that can be utilized in the qualitative approach for this purpose.

  • Qualitative content analysis is used to track the position and meaning of different phrases and words.
  • Thematic analysis is used to examine different themes and patterns in text.
  • Discourse analysis is used to study the working of communication in social contexts.


Quantitative data depends on the numbers. To analyze different patterns in data or to discover commonalities' statistical analysis is used. Graphs and tables are used to report the result. 


Some students find it difficult to differentiate between both kinds of research and develop their research papers. Writing websites can help these students by providing them with custom essay writing service. By using this service students can get customized paper.



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